Section: Constructions and Design Engineering
Abstract: This paper explores the possibilities of Eurocode EN 1991-1-4 to be used for predicting the response of structures with installed dynamic vibration absorber (TMD). The analysis is performed in a way that Davenport model is used to conduct theoretical calculation, and then calculation according to Eurocode procedure 2. In particular, the influence of the aerodynamic damping is reviewed and its influence to response calculation. The results from both methods are compared. Results comprise of floor displacements, accelerations, aerodynamical damping of structure and compliance to serviceability criteria ISO 10137:2007. Final remarks concerning the usability of the EN standard for predicting wind response of wind susceptible structures are given on the basis of calculated results from both methods.
Filip Zdraveski
Teaching Assistant
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering –Skopje
Hristijan Mickoski
Associate professor
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering –Skopje